Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Why are dogs awesome?

Why are dogs awesome?

      Dogs are awesome for many different reasons. Here are a few reasons why they are awesome. First, they can run around and play with you. Second, they can be trained to do cool things. Third, you can take them on walks. Fourth, you can use them as a pillow or a blanket because they are so warm and fuzzy. Last but not least, you can cuddle them. Those are a few reasons why dogs are so awesome. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

what is special about where I live?

I live in Jenison Michigan. Something special about where I live is that there is lots of grass to roll around in and a lot of friends to play with. Another thing is it is really warm in the summer and in the winter there is a lot of snow to have snowball fights with your friends and family. That is what is special about where I live.
Image result for jenison michiganImage result for jenison michiganImage result for snowball fightImage result for playing with friends

Friday, May 6, 2016

"I AM" Poem


“I AM” Poem

I am Lainie

I wonder why the sky is blue

I hear birds every morning

I see the world spinning when I am dizzy

I want a pet zebra or giraffe

I pretend I am a teacher and my stuffed animals are students

I feel excited

I touch the keyboard

I worry my dog will run away

I cry I have no grandpas

I am Lainie

I understand life isn’t fair

I say keep trying and don’t give up

I dream I had a sister

I try to ride a Rip Stick

I hope my dog lives forever
I am Lainie
Zebra I want
Dog That Is Close To The One I Have
Blue Sky
Girrafe I Want