Friday, December 4, 2015

Seeing Georgie!

                                     Seeing Georgie!

One long day at school soon turned into an awesome day. It all started when we were at school and were really bored. We had known we were going to get a cute little puppy named Georgie that day. We thought we were going to get her after school. When my mom was bringing us home from school we were all extremely excited. Finally, we went back to our cozy quiet home, but it was not so quiet. When we got inside there was a white gate in the doorway of the living room. I heard metal jingling. I wondered why there was a white gate in the doorway of the living room. I also wondered why I heard metal jingling, so I walked over there. When I got there I found...

                                             "GEORGIE!"I exclaimed.

                           Authors Note:

Georgie now has many nicknames. I'll give you a few examples. Georgie Porgie, Puppy Sue, Jingles, Bitey, Cuddles and one more example is Puppers. Georgie is extremely active and really loves very much to ride in the car. When we ask her if she wants to go on a ride she dashes as fast as she can toward her leash. She really really loves very very much to eat food that my mom drops on the floor when she is making either lunch or dinner. When my mom makes an egg sandwich for breakfast, {which is usually every morning} she eats the cheese corners.

That is the story of when my family got our dog. If you would like to hear a little more please keep reading. 

When we looked at the dogs to see which one we wanted, we knew Georgie was the one for us. After we were done we went to Culver's. My brothers and I were all chanting, Georgie, Georgie, Georgie! That is a little bit about when we got Georgie.                   


1 comment:

  1. Lainie I love how you write about GEORGIE! I love Georgie as much as you do. If I pet Georgie I feel like i'm in the clouds. I know you don't have ALL the nicknames for Georgie because I just made one up. It is...

    GE-OR-GI-IE!!! sounded out. Bye Lainie have fun creating a new post!
